Blog: Junt’s Candied Cashews

Featured in BoxMac 99: Kraft Original vs. Market Pantry (Retake)


6 cups of unsalted cashews
3 cup of brown sugar
3/4 cup of water
1 tsp of cinnamon
1/2 tsp of nutmeg
1/2 tsp of cayenne pepper
Kosher salt

1. Place brown sugar, water, and all spices/salt in a fry pan and turn to medium heat and stir continuously until thickened.
2. Add cashews and mix thoroughly until nuts slightly soften. After several minutes, remove from heat and let sit until sugar solution stops moving and is darker.
3. Poor nuts onto a silicon mat and spread nuts across and pour extra solution on top.
4. Taste test – if not sweet enough, dust with white sugar.
5. Once cooled, break nuts apart from one another into a bowl. Add additional sugar and toss nuts in the bowl.
6. Server in paper cones and enjoy!

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