Blog: Junt’s Weeknight Mac

Featured in “BoxMac 132: Sodium Citrate”

24oz Shredded Cheese. I used Sharp.
11g Sodium Citrate
1/2 Cup Butter (1 Stick)
2.5 Cups Cold Milk
2 Tbsp Jar Garlic
1 pound De Cecco Orecchiette Pasta

1. Boil Pasta in Properly Salted Water until Al Dente. It will cook a bit more so a bit tough is fine
2. Meanwhile, Put the stick of butter and the garlic in a microwave safe bowl, and microwave for about 3 minutes, allowing the garlic to cook a bit in the butter.
3. Add the 2 cups of milk and stir, then return to the microwave and microwave for 3 more minutes. Remove from Microwave, stir, and add sodium citrate and stir again.
4. Drain pasta. Leave in colander.
5. Pour milk into pasta pan and heat to high heat, stir continuously.
6. Once milk is steaming strongly, turn off heat, add cheese, and stir. Mixture will be thin.
7. Readd Pasta, stir and let sit on same burner for about 8 minutes until cheese sauce beings to thicken, or eat it with the thin sauce. Sauce will thicken upon standing.

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